Pet Crayfish | 7 Freshwater Aquarium Crayfish!





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Although dwarf shrimp are all the rage in the aquarium hobby at the moment, they aren’t the only fascinating freshwater crustaceans we can keep in our tanks. Crayfish are a great option for anyone who finds shrimp a little too ‘boring’. Some crays are tiny and peaceful, others are massive and will try to destroy anything they come across. Whichever you choose, you’ll end up with an interesting addition to your aquarium!

Keep reading for a list of 7 freshwater aquarium crayfish that can be kept as pets.

Pet crayfish | 7 species for every aquarium size!

Blue crayfish (Procambarus alleni)

Blue Crayfish

Although it is also available in white and wild color, Procambarus alleni is mostly known as the blue crayfish. This is one of the most popular crayfish for the aquarium, but definitely not the smallest: it grow to up to 4″/10cm. Like other crayfish it will definitely catch sick or bottom-dwelling tankmates if it gets the chance. This means a single-species setup is best if you want to avoid any casualties. Keeping Procambarus alleni in pairs of small groups is possible, although they are often territorial and things might not always go smoothly.

Go for an aquarium of at least 23.5″/60 cm – a larger tank is needed if you want to keep multiple crays. Provide plenty of hiding places per crayfish in the form of caves and tubes. These hides are crucial when your crays are molting, as they will be very vulnerable and need a place to retreat to. Hardy plants like Java fern might be left alone, although there is no real guarantee the crayfish won’t destroy them. Filtration should be strong as crayfish are messy eaters that like oxygen-rich water. Always keep a lid on the aquarium to prevent your crays from escaping.

Crayfish are omnivores that will eat anything they come across. Invertebrate tablets, fresh blanched veggies, frozen foods and leaf litter make great food options. A varied diet that contains enough calcium and iodine is important to prevent failed molts, which can unfortunately be fatal.

You can buy blue crayfish online here!

Marmorkrebs/self-cloning crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis)


Did you just say “self-cloning crayfish”? I sure did. The self-cloning crayfish, also known as marmorkrebs (German for ‘marbled crayfish’) is a fascinating variety of Procambarus fallax that doesn’t need a mate to reproduce. All marmorkrebs are females. If you’re looking to breed crayfish as live food or just for the fun of it this is definitely a species to consider. After all, you only need one cray to begin with!

Although marmorkrebs aren’t the most aggressive aquarium crayfish, they are probably still best suited to a single species setup if you want to avoid any risks. Keeping pairs or groups of these crays is possible, although incidents can happen if one of them is molting. Marmorkrebs grow to a size of around 4″/10 cm, which means an aquarium of at least around 23.5″/60 cm is in order. Water values and temperature aren’t much of an issue but it’s still important to cycle your tank and do regular water changes.

As with all crayfish, plenty of hiding places are important. Ceramic pipes work well; you can also try some hardy or floating plants (at your own risk). The aquarium should always be properly sealed to prevent the crays from “exploring” outside the tank.

You can buy this fascinating crayfish species online here!

Dwarf orange crayfish/CPO crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis ‘orange’)

Dwarf Orange Crayfish

Dwarf orange crayfish, also known as CPO (which is short for Cambarellus patzcuarensis ‘orange’) is probably the most popular aquarium crayfish in the hobby. This species is selectively bred for its bright orange color and works well in community tanks because of its small size.

With a maximum length of around 2″/5 cm, this cray lacks almost all of the downsides of its larger cousins. Its aggression level is much lower; although it might try to go after slow bottom dwellers it can be kept with almost all peaceful tankmates that inhabit the middle or upper water layers. It doesn’t have an appetite for plants and won’t move of destroy aquarium decor.

If you’re interested in keeping dwarf orange crayfish, go for a filtered aquarium of at least around 15″/40 cm. They can be kept in pairs or small groups, as they are not aggressive towards their own species save the occasional territorial squabble. As with all crays room temperature works fine, so a heater isn’t needed.

Provide plenty of hiding places in the form of tubes (these crays can fit into a shrimp flat and will love having one in their tank), leaf litter and live plants. Although dwarf orange crayfish are often introduced in the aquarium as part of the “cleaning crew” to take care of leftover foods and other bits you should still feed your crays regularly. Invertebrate tablets work well.

You can buy dwarf orange crayfish online here!

Dwarf blue crayfish/least crayfish (Cambarellus diminutus)

Cambarellus diminutus isn’t called ‘least crayfish‘ for nothing. With a maximum size of barely an inch (2.5cm) this is the smallest aquarium crayfish. A great option for nano aquariums and the most peaceful cray you’ll find! Least crayfish work well in peaceful community setups as they will leave almost all fish and inverts alone. With the exception of very vulnerable tankmates like fan shrimp pretty much anything goes.

To keep your least crayfish happy and healthy only introduce them into fully cycled, filtered aquariums. As always, provide plenty of hides. Tubes work well but plants are also a good option, as this species doesn’t have an appetite for greenery. Leaf litter is appreciated; in the wild, these crayfish inhabit small pools and streams with plenty of decaying plant material covering the substrate.

Least crayfish are also called dwarf blue crayfish but their natural coloration can actually vary from a light beige to blue and almost black. You might be able to find selectively bred blue crays in the aquarium trade, although their color isn’t always stable.

You can find more information about dwarf crayfish here.

Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)

Red Swamp Crayfish

Procambarus clarkii is commonly referred to as the red swamp crayfish. However, it can also be selectively bred to produce one of the most sought after crayfish color varieties: ghost crayfish. This beautiful color morph is mostly white with patches of intense red or blue.

Ghost crayfish are quite expensive but definitely worth the money if you love a bit of color! If your budget is a little more limited there are also fully red, white and blue color morphs of this crayfish available. And in case fancy colors aren’t your thing at all, there is always the regular old brown-red wild-colored Procambarus clarkii.

Procambarus clarkii grows to a maximum size of 4.7″/12 cm and can be kept in an aquarium of at least 31.5″/80 cm. Keeping these crayfish in groups is possible, although you’ll have to adjust your tank size to the amount of crays. Do keep in mind that this species has cannibalistic tendencies and might go after its own species.

Common yabby (Cherax destructor)

Common Yabby

The appropriately named Cherax destructor, also known as common yabby, is a large freshwater crayfish naturally found in Australia. This species is commonly farmed for the food industry but also appreciated by aquarists for its feisty personality. It usually grows to an adult size of around 6″ (15cm), which means this is a species only suitable for dedicated crayfish keepers. With size come aggressiveness and destructive tendencies: this crayfish will eat anything it can get its claws on, including plants and tankmates.

A single-species setup works best, although large cichlids or fast, schooling fish might be compatible. No bottom dwellers and definitely no long-finned fish! Fellow destructors are tolerated if there is plenty of room for all crays to form their own territories. The best option, though, is to keep this crayfish in pairs. Go for an aquarium of at least 31.5″/80 cm, or even more if you’d like to keep multiple yabbies.

Wild-colored Cherax destructor can range from a light greyish brown to dark brown. Selectively bred orange and blue varieties are also available.

Australian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus)

Australian Red Claw Crayfish

Last but certainly not least, the Australian red claw crayfish is the largest cray on this list. It can reach a maximum size of up to 7.8″/20 cm and has the personality to match. This species is an active hunter that will attempt to catch any fish or smaller crayfish it comes across, destroys all plants and has the tendency to move decor all over the place.

If you’re interested in keeping Cherax quadricarinatus, be sure to go for an aquarium of at least 40″/100cm. Unlike other crayfish, the Australian red claw naturally inhabits relatively warm waters and will appreciate a heater that keeps the water slighty above room temp. Add plenty of hides in the form of tubes, wood and leaf litter – the latter two can double as a snack. I’d recommend avoiding any tankmates altogether. As always, feed a varied diet

If you have any more questions about these aquarium crayfish varieties or if you want to share your own crayfish experiences, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!

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21 thoughts on “Pet Crayfish | 7 Freshwater Aquarium Crayfish!”

  1. Hi, I was wondering if mexican dwarf crayfish(Cambarellus patzcuarensis) and dwarf blue crayfish(CAMBARELLUS TEXANUS” could be kept together in a 10 gallon, or is that too small? Thanks

  2. I have just bought red swamp crayfish. All seems well, but one problem: they walk right over the shrimp pellets and algae wafers but want to eat each other!! I have had them for about a week. I’m pretty experienced with this except I’m used to them eating anything, but they only want to eat each other!! I have 20 in a 20L which I plan to thin out after seeing who’s healthy (with these guys most of them are extremely I’ll and won’t make it, that’s why I have so many). I have a 40, 55, and like I said a 20. Any advice?, im used to them eating ANYTHING, not each other! even when crowded like this.

    • Hey Skyler!

      I would try some live or frozen foods. Garlic can also make food more appetizing for fish, but I’m not too sure about invertebrates. I would definitely try the other alternatives first.
      Also, if you’re able to, I would contact the seller and see what they were feeding them. Hopefully, they start to recognize pellets as food soon!

  3. Hello! I (well my mother really) have had a common yabby called blue for years now, and much like the destructor he is, any plants that go in with him get ripped up and eaten pretty much within the week. All he has in his tank now is aquarium decor with hidey holes for him (that tbh i find quite ugly lol). I’d like to try to dress up his tank with some silk plants but i dont want him to try to eat that… It should be fine though right?

    • Yes! Your yabby should be fine with more artificial decorations. Maybe just be certain that they’re completely aquarium-safe in case he does manage to get a bite of it.
      Have you tried Java moss and Anubias too? I doubt they’ll deter your pesky yabby, but a thicker plant could be worth a try.

    • Hi Jonlly!
      The best way to make sure your crayfish is getting enough iodine is by providing a high-quality diet. Make sure to check the nutrition information on your food packages and see the iodine concentration. If you find that your crayfish is having difficulty molting, then it might be worthwhile to get a better food and/or to supplement aquarium-safe trace elements.

  4. hi, I’m currently taking care of a possibly young Signal crayfish, I don’t have much knowledge about them but I do have a perfect habitat for it, mine is definitely a female, but she is SO territorial and frustrated whenever she sees me, she sometimes lets me fix her home but other times she just really acts like a butt. I need help-how do I calm down my Signal crayfish?

    • Hi Joyo!
      It’s important to make sure that you keep your hands out of the tank as much as possible to decrease stress and to prevent the possibility of introducing foreign chemicals and oils; that being said, I know that crayfish like to destroy anything they can!
      If your crayfish has enough hiding spots, it might just be that you have an aggressive crayfish. If she’s being aggressive to you, then I definitely wouldn’t try adding anything else to the tank. If she seems to be cramming herself into weird places in the tank, she might just be acting out of stress due to water parameters and/or hiding spots. Just make sure that your levels are good and that she feels safe in the tank.
      Otherwise, if you’re afraid of getting hurt, it is probably best to work on the tank during the day/when the lights are on as crayfish are largely nocturnal and she should be less willing to come out (theoretically). If you find that a lot of things are being knocked over in the tank, you can also try getting a pair of aquarium tongs/tweezers; they’re mostly used for aquascaping, but they’d be perfect for this!
      I hope this helps a bit and she calms down as she’s in the tank longer!

  5. Hi Mari, or whoever feels like answering.

    I’d like to know whether or not you have any experience with Cherax peckny blue claw (de blauwe zebra kreeft, en ja ik ben Nederlander). I just bought a juwel vision 450 and I’m trying to get something special. I’ve been thinking of having dwarf puffers (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) with Pangio kuhlii loaches when I came across this wonderful looking crayfish. I’ve owned several smaller crayfish (procambarus species) in the colour red a white (Mexican) procambarus and a small blue crayfish with big fat claws (not elongated like the other 2 sorts). Which species that was, I wouldn’t know.
    so I do know a bit about taking care of them.
    Would you keep dwarf puffers (about 6 of them) with crayfish? The procambarus species seemed to do just fine with a few of these little hooligans. Of course I will make sure there’s more than enough hiding spots as well as lots of plants in the upper levels of the water.

    {je mag natuurlijk ook in het Nederlands antwoorden indien je dat beter af gaat)

    Kind regards Tim

    • Hi Tim!
      I’m sorry :-(, I do not speak your language so I hope English works well enough for you.
      I do not have experience with that specific species (Cherax peknyi), but I’ll try to help the best I can. That is a large tank and it should be pretty easy to find something for it! However, it is mostly recommended to keep dwarf puffers in a species only tank, with fast bottom-feeders being the odd exception.
      Six dwarf puffers will easily fit into 450 L and will greatly appreciate the plants, but there seem to be two main problems with keeping puffers with crayfish. First is that it is likely that a crayfish will actually injure the puffer at night when it’s sleeping. Another problem is that the puffer may also eat the crayfish at any given time. However, I have also read that some hobbyists have had luck keeping ghost shrimp and other dwarf crayfish with their dwarf puffers.
      So honestly, I would say that it’s better not to risk it. Unfortunately, it seems that you will have to make a decision between the two.
      Please let me know what you end up deciding on and if you have any other questions!

    • Hi Elisabeth,

      You don’t need to dose iodine directly into the tank. Rather, your crayfish will get all the iodine it needs by providing quality food. High-quality fish or shrimp flakes/pellets and occasional live food, like bloodworms and brine shrimp, should be enough to give your crayfish what it needs!

      Happy crayfish keeping!

    • Hi Christine,

      Having multiple crayfish in one tank can be tricky. They are super territorial and it is not uncommon for them to eat each other. That being said, it could be done if you have at least a 55 gallon setup with lots of hiding places. If you do buy two, make sure they’re about the same size so there aren’t any immediate dominance issues.

      Happy crayfish keeping!

  6. Hi Id like to know where I could purchase the red claw crayfish and have it sent to Washington state or Canada as a aquarium pet?


    • I wouldn’t know, as I’m located in The Netherlands! You might want to try invert FB groups, as I don’t think most (online) stores carry such large and destructive crayfish. Good luck 🙂


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