By Fishkeepers. For Fishkeepers.
The Aquariadise team is made up of people who simply love fishkeeping. From Marine Biologists to hobbyists that have been keeping fish for 30+ years.
Featured Articles
5 Best Automatic Fish Feeders: Product Reviews and Buyer’s Guide
If you’re planning a trip out of town, you might be considering an automatic fish…
21 Most Expensive Fish In The World
Fishkeeping is an incredibly popular hobby, with roughly 139 million freshwater aquarium fish kept as…
125 Gallon Aquarium: Our Top 3 Choices
One of the first things you’ll be told when starting an aquarium is: bigger is…
Best Aquarium Heater
One of the most important pieces of equipment you will buy for your aquarium is…
6 Peaceful Dwarf Cichlids For Your Community Tank!
Cichlids are known for belligerence and having an aggressive nature. However, it is possible to…
Stocking a 5-Gallon Fish Tank: An In-depth Aquarist’s Guide
If you’re thinking about setting up a 5-gallon (18.9 L) aquarium, it’s easy to get…

Latest Articles
Clearing Up 7 Common Aquarium Myths: Fish Tales or Facts?
As with any other hobby, the aquarium scene is full of myths and misconceptions that…
6 Colorful Saltwater Fish That Will Brighten Up Your Tank
Although caring for marine fish can be challenging, they are undoubtedly among the most colorful…
7 Unique Invertebrates for Your Aquarium: Quirky and Fun
When it comes to stocking your aquarium, fish often steal the spotlight, and there are…
Should You Try Bare-Bottom Tanks for Cichlids? Experts Explain What You Need to Know
When it comes to cichlid tanks, most people prefer to create a natural-looking tank that…
Should You Try UV Sterilizers in Your Aquarium? Experts Explain What You Need to Know
If you’ve been in the aquarium hobby for a while, you’ll probably have heard of…
Top 10 Fish That Enjoy Playing: Interactive Species for Your Aquarium
If you’re new to the aquarium hobby, you might think that keeping fish is a…