Why Do Betta Blow Bubbles

Why Do Bettas Blow Bubbles? What Does It Mean?

If you have betta fish, you may have noticed them blowing bubbles in your tank. So, why do betta fish blow bubbles in fish tanks? Are these air bubbles that the fish has gulped at the water surface? Is a bubble-blowing betta sick? Keep reading to discover the answers to all your questions and find … Read more

Otocinclus Vestitus

Otocinclus Vestitus Care Guide

Otocinclus, or Otos as they’re affectionately known to many hobbyists, can make an interesting and useful addition to tropical, freshwater community aquariums. In total, there are 19 species of Otocinclus, but in this article, we’re focusing on Otocinclus vestitus, the little catfish characterized by the dark stripe on its back. Read this guide to find … Read more

Paradise Fish

Paradise Fish Care Guide: Tropical and Colorful Species

The Paradise fish is one of the very first tropical fish that were brought to Europe in the 1800s and is responsible for bringing many hobbyists into the fish keeping world. If you’re looking for a small, attractive fish that’s exceptionally hardy and easy to keep, then one of these active little beauties could be … Read more

Why Do Fish Jump Out Of Water: All The Answers

Why Do Fish Jump Out Of Water: All The Answers

In the wild environment, fish are often seen leaping right out of the water, and to the alarm of hobbyists, some tank-kept fish do that too, sometimes jumping out of the tank! But why do fish jump out of the water, how do they manage to do that, and what can you do to stop … Read more

Caring for Dwarf Water Lettuce: lighting, humidity, and supplements

Caring for Dwarf Water Lettuce: Lighting, Humidity, and Supplements

Dwarf water lettuce, scientific name Pistia stratioes, is a member of the arum family of floating aquatic plants that you’ll see in many garden ponds and aquariums. The water lettuce is not only beautiful, but it can make a very beneficial addition to your tank. The plant propagates very rapidly, providing shady areas in the … Read more

How To Care For A Black Orchid Betta

How To Care For A Black Orchid Betta

Male betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting fish, come in a dazzling range of stunning colors and finnage varieties, making one of these spectacular fish the perfect addition to a community display tank. Of all the colors of bettas that are widely available, the black orchid betta is among the most popular and sought … Read more

nano fish

Nano Fish: 7 of the Best Choices for Your Aquarium

If you have a small aquarium of under 10 gallons, finding the right fish to stock it with can be pretty tricky! For a start, you need to choose fish that enjoy the same basic water parameters, eat a similar diet, and will get along together as tank mates. To complicate matters further, many fish … Read more