Tiger Barbs

Tiger Barbs (Puntius tetrazona) Care Sheet

Tiger barbs are a very popular freshwater tropical fish that are readily available to buy in most fish stores. These fish are easy to care for, making them a favorite for beginners and experienced fishkeepers alike. Unfortunately, Tiger barbs do come with a bad rep for being aggressive toward other tankmates. But is that really … Read more

The Need To Know's of Denison Barbs

The Need To Know’s of Denison Barbs

The Denison Barb is a striking, active fish of medium size that has long been a popular addition to the community freshwater aquarium. Unfortunately, that popularity has led to many years of overharvesting, and consequently, the species is now on the endangered list in its native India. Read on to learn more about the origins … Read more

fish that shouldn't be kept in small tanks

3 Fish Species You Should Not Keep in Small Tanks

If you desperately want to keep fish but don’t have much space in your home for a large aquarium, you might be wondering what species you can keep in a smaller tank. So, the good news is that there are lots of fish that can do very well in a smaller setup of up to … Read more

habits for a healthy community aquarium

11 Habits of People Who Have a Healthy Community Aquarium

Have you ever gazed into a thriving community tank and wondered how every fish, plant, and critter appears so healthy and glowing with vitality? The answer often comes down to a few simple habits that separate pro fishkeepers from the rest. If you want to boast a vibrant community tank, in radiant health, we suggest … Read more

Best Fish for Every Zodiac Sign

The Best Fish for Every Zodiac Sign: Find Your Match

Your zodiac sign has a lot to say about your perfect aquatic match. But did you ever wonder what fish perfectly fits your astrological sign? This guide delves into what makes the perfect fishy friend for each zodiac sign based on the compatibility, care requirements, and temperament of each species. Keep reading to find out … Read more

Odessa Barb

The Odessa Barb: A Comprehensive and Captivating Guide

The Odessa barb is a brightly colored freshwater fish that’s easy to care for and relatively hardy, making them the ideal candidate for a peaceful community tank. Not surprisingly, these fish have grown in popularity over the last few years, so it seemed right to put together this guide so that you can learn more … Read more


Pencilfish: Care Tips and Insights for This Enchanting Fish

What if I told you that there’s a family of beautiful community fish, closely related to tetras, but rarely kept, even by advanced fish keepers? Introducing the pencilfish – a fish tribe that’s largely overlooked, yet brimming with potential for freshwater community tanks. In this guide, we’ll explore the most commonly kept species, and learn … Read more

Betta Imbellis

Betta Imbellis: In-depth Care Guide and Habitat Insights

Recent years have seen wild betta fish species becoming more popular. One of the most popular types is Betta imbellis. Because of their relatively relaxed temperament and docile character, Betta imbellis has earned the common name the ‘Peaceful Betta’. Peaceful bettas can be kept in a wider variety of tank setups than other bettas, including … Read more

Pearlscale Goldfish

Pearlscale Goldfish: Curious and Fascinating Tank Additions

Pearlscale goldfish are famed for being one of the roundest of all fancy goldfish varieties. But this pronounced deformity has led some animal welfare advocates to question the ethics of keeping fish whose traits could affect their health and well-being. In this guide, I’ll explore some of the issues with keeping pearlscale goldfish and share … Read more

Festivum Cichlid

Festivum Cichlid Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Aquarists

Have you ever heard of the festivum cichlid? Also known as ‘flag cichlids’, festivums were once more popular than they are today. Although less colorful and flashy than some other cichlids, these sociable fish are more peaceful than many of their feisty relatives and can be kept in groups in large community tanks. Some of … Read more

Chocolate Cichlid

Chocolate Cichlid: Habits, Habitats, Appearance, and Diet

Chocolate cichlids, otherwise known as ‘emerald cichlids’ are a lesser-known but intriguing large South American cichlid. Sometimes compared to Severum cichlids or Oscars, chocolate cichlids are either gentle giants or moody monsters depending on who you ask! While chocolate cichlids are not the best choice for first-time cichlid keepers, advanced aquarists might find this a … Read more

Cockatoo Cichlids

Cockatoo Cichlids: Intriguing and Colorful Swimmers

Named after the colorful pet bird with frilly feathers, cockatoo dwarf cichlids match their feathered namesakes with their exotic colors and impressive crested fins. But while they may be alluring, cockatoo cichlids are not the ideal beginner’s fish, and won’t fit in any old community aquarium. Their complex requirements and aggressive streak mean that this … Read more

Alien Betta

Full Alien Betta Care Guide (+ Related FAQs)

A few years ago, a new hybrid betta arrived on the aquarium scene. Boasting intricate markings and otherworldly colors, the newcomer was branded the ‘Alien Betta,’ although nobody knew exactly why. Much confusion and controversy still surrounds the alien betta: Where it came from and whether it’s an ethical breed. What we do know is … Read more

Rainbow Cichlid

Rainbow Cichlid: Our Care Guide for These Colorful Fish

Cichlids are some of the most beautiful, intelligent, and exotic freshwater fish in the world, but it can be frustrating how many species are also highly aggressive fish. Not so with the rainbow cichlid. These colorful dwarf cichlids are so peaceful they can be kept in a community tank with other medium-sized species. Let’s take … Read more