Glofish Angelfish

Demystifying Glofish Angelfish: Can They Live Together?

If you’re interested in creating a stunning tropical freshwater community fish tank, you may currently be looking for ideas of what fish you can house together. One very common choice in any freshwater tank is the beautiful Angelfish, one of my favorites; angelfish are a stunningly unique cichlid and make a fascinating addition to any … Read more

Can Male Guppies Live Together

Can Male Guppies Live Together? Read On To Find Out!

Guppies are classic community tank fish that are often recommended for beginners. Their long fins and diverse colors have made them one of the most popular of all aquarium fish for decades. But can you keep a group of guppies that are only male? The answer is yes, you can. But there are some potential … Read more

betta fish color change

Do Betta Fish Change Color? Everything You Need To Know

Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish, have become so popular because of their stunning colors. Centuries of breeding have produced bettas of almost every imaginable color, so it may be shocking to discover that your beloved betta’s colors are fading or changing. Color changes in betta fish often indicate a health problem that needs attention, … Read more

soft water fish

Soft Water Fish – The 12 Best Options for Your Aquarium

Most freshwater aquarium fish prefer to live in a hard water environment in your fish tank. However, there are quite a few fish species that prefer softer water conditions. Providing the optimum water conditions for your fish is essential for their well-being and overall health. But how do you determine whether your fish tank water … Read more

Are Guppies Hardy

Are Guppies Hardy? Tips for Keeping Your Fish Healthy

Guppies are known to be among the more robust freshwater aquarium fish. Not only are they tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, but they’re also forgiving when it comes to temperature, feeding regime, and tankmates. However, there’s a big difference between a guppy surviving and a guppy fulfilling its optimal health, appearance, and … Read more

Removing Tannins

Removing Tannins From Your Fishtank – Our Helpful Guide!

Tannins in an aquarium can darken the water, as well as make conditions more acidic. But what levels of tannin are good for your fish? And how can you remove them if you need to? Luckily, removing tannins from water is relatively straightforward and there are two easy methods, although in some cases you may … Read more

Whisker Shrimp vs Ghost Shrimp

Whisker Shrimp vs Ghost Shrimp – Our Helpful Guide

Whisker shrimp and Ghost shrimp are both popular aquarium shrimp species from the Palaemonidae family of shrimps. Some of their relatives live in seawater, but whisker shrimps and ghost shrimps are both freshwater shrimps. While the two species look remarkably similar, they actually live on opposite sides of the world! The Ghost shrimp is from … Read more

rainbow shark vs red tail shark

Rainbow Shark vs Red Tail Shark! Which One’s Right for You?

Rainbow sharks and Red Tail sharks are very similar, so they are easy to confuse. While they are two separate species, they share lots of similarities in behavior, diet, and habitat, but they also have some specific differences. Read on to find out the similarities and differences between these two lively species. What Do Rainbow … Read more

Slime Disease

Aquarium Slime Disease: What Is It and How Can I Treat It?

Have you noticed white or clear slime growing on your aquarium? If so, you may be dealing with aquarium slime disease. Slime disease is a catch-all term for the parasitic infections of the skin that cause freshwater fish to produce excess mucus. This disease weakens fish and makes them more susceptible to other, often fatal, … Read more

How Many Platies in a 10 Gallon Tank

How Many Platies Can You Keep in a 10-Gallon Tank?

Platies are small, so you may think you can keep many of them in a 10-gallon tank. However, these fish are so active and have such big appetites, this assumption isn’t true. To keep your platies comfortable in a 10-gallon tank, aim for a group of five fish. This way, the platies will have the … Read more

Fish for 2.5 Gallon Tank

Types of Fish for a 2.5 Gallon Tank: Top Picks for You

Not many fish can live happy and healthy lives in a 2.5-gallon tank. If possible, we recommend giving your fish room to roam in a 5-gallon tank. In the fish-keeping hobby, bigger is usually better when it comes to accommodation for your pets! However, if you are a nano tank hobbyist or want to purchase … Read more

Plecostomus and Betta

Can a Plecostomus and Betta Live Together? 7 Species of Pleco That Can Coexist

Are you wondering if keeping a plecostomus and betta fish together in the same tank is possible? Surprisingly, they can coexist quite peacefully as long as you take some important considerations into account. For starters, you must choose a large enough tank for both species, as they will require plenty of room to thrive. In … Read more

Are Plecos Aggressive

Are Plecos Aggressive? Let’s Explore the Question Inside!

Plecos are typically docile and peaceful fish, although it’s worth noting that occasionally, like any other living creature, they might end up in a bit of a bad mood and get a tad aggressive. Sometimes they even go so far as to attack a tankmate. In this article, we will discuss the temperament of plecos, … Read more