red eared slider tank mates

11 Red-Eared Slider Tank Mates (Species, Origins + More)

Red-eared sliders are exotic and beautiful-looking turtles, but are also messy and love to eat fish! In an aquarium, tankmates of red-eared sliders need to be either very big or fast to escape the greedy belly of this omnivorous reptile. There are no perfect solutions, and even the toughest of fish may succumb to attacks. … Read more

Ghost Shrimp vs Cherry Shrimp

Ghost Shrimp vs Cherry Shrimp – Our Helpful Guide!

Cherry shrimps and Ghost shrimps are two of the most commonly kept freshwater aquarium shrimp species. Their small size and easygoing temperament make them a great choice for beginners, and their ability to help keep the tank clean is a bonus for any aquarist. But which one is the better of the two? Let’s take … Read more

Glofish Angelfish

Demystifying Glofish Angelfish: Can They Live Together?

If you’re interested in creating a stunning tropical freshwater community fish tank, you may currently be looking for ideas of what fish you can house together. One very common choice in any freshwater tank is the beautiful Angelfish, one of my favorites; angelfish are a stunningly unique cichlid and make a fascinating addition to any … Read more

betta fish color change

Do Betta Fish Change Color? Everything You Need To Know

Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish, have become so popular because of their stunning colors. Centuries of breeding have produced bettas of almost every imaginable color, so it may be shocking to discover that your beloved betta’s colors are fading or changing. Color changes in betta fish often indicate a health problem that needs attention, … Read more

Are Guppies Hardy

Are Guppies Hardy? Tips for Keeping Your Fish Healthy

Guppies are known to be among the more robust freshwater aquarium fish. Not only are they tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, but they’re also forgiving when it comes to temperature, feeding regime, and tankmates. However, there’s a big difference between a guppy surviving and a guppy fulfilling its optimal health, appearance, and … Read more

Wasting Disease in Fish

Wasting Disease in Fish – What It Is and How To Cope!

Wasting disease, also known as Fish Tuberculosis, is a disease that affects freshwater fish like Betts, Gourami’s, Tetras, Danios, and Barbs. Knowing the signs of this disease and what causes it can mean the difference between life and death for your fish. What Is Wasting Disease? Wasting disease is a fatal disease that is caused … Read more

angelfish and goldfish

Angelfish and Goldfish – Can They Share the Same Tank?

Goldfish and angelfish are both extremely popular aquarium fishes with hobbyists. But can these beautiful fish make good tank mates and live harmoniously together? Well, the bad news is that angelfish and goldfish do not make a suitable combination. In this guide, we explain why you can’t safely keep angelfish and goldfish in the same … Read more

African Dwarf Frog Tank Mates

African Dwarf Frog Tank Mates for a Happy Habitat

African Dwarf frogs are fun pets to have in your aquarium. These peaceful little guys get along well with many other species and are easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for a beginner. So, what tank mates make good companions for African Dwarf frogs? Read this guide to learn which species can … Read more

scuds in aquarium

Scuds in Aquarium: What Are They & How To Control Them

Scuds are small, shrimp-like creatures that belong to the family of Gammaridae. But what exactly are they, and how can you control their population in your aquarium? While these little creatures are amazing at eating algae and acting as a clean-up crew, they also have high reproductive rates that can be difficult to manage. Also, … Read more

Amano Shrimp vs Cherry Shrimp

Amano Shrimp vs Cherry Shrimp: Which Is Better?

If you are deciding between Amano shrimp vs cherry shrimp, you have a tough choice to make. As YouTuber Girl Talks Fish explains, comparing these two shrimp is like comparing apples to oranges. Fortunately, each shrimp serves a different purpose, so your unique preferences should help with your decision. The Benefits of Cherry Shrimp Cherry … Read more

bolivian ram vs german blue ram

Bolivian Ram vs German Blue Ram Fish – Your Helpful Guide!

The Bolivian ram and German blue ram share many characteristics, such as being a part of the same fish family and being peaceful. But what are the differences between these two beautiful freshwater fish? An example of their differences is that the Bolivian ram is easy to care for and can live in a wide … Read more

Slime Disease

Aquarium Slime Disease: What Is It and How Can I Treat It?

Have you noticed white or clear slime growing on your aquarium? If so, you may be dealing with aquarium slime disease. Slime disease is a catch-all term for the parasitic infections of the skin that cause freshwater fish to produce excess mucus. This disease weakens fish and makes them more susceptible to other, often fatal, … Read more