Cyperus helferi

Cyperus helferi: An Elegant, Pretty Addition to Your Tank

If you’re looking for a tall, elegant background plant that you can grow in your tropical fish tank, Cyperus helferi could be a species that’s worth considering. This large-sized aquarium plant species can be tricky to settle in a new environment, so we don’t recommend it as a beginner plant. That said, if you’re new … Read more

Fissidens Fontanus

Fissidens Fontanus: Gorgeous, Hassle-Free Aquatic Plant

Fissidens fontanus is a relatively newly-discovered aquatic plant that’s native to the US and is taking the hobby by storm; being gorgeous to look at, incredibly easy to grow, and hassle-free to care for once it’s taken root. If you want to bring a whole new dimension to your fish tank, keep reading to learn … Read more

how many chili rasbora in 5 gallon

How Many Chili Rasbora in a 5-Gallon Tank Is Ideal?

Chili rasboras are gorgeous nano fish that are perfect for life in a small, single-species tank or as part of a community setup. These delightful little fish are peaceful and get along with other fish and inverts, and they’re relatively straightforward to care for, although they do best in a mature aquarium. So, how many … Read more

White Skirt Tetra

The White Skirt Tetra: A Complete Care Guide

The white skirt tetra is a beautiful tropical fish for the freshwater community tank. The graceful shape and attractive schooling behavior of this fish make it a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists around the world. Here we’ll take an in-depth look at these translucent fish, how to best care for them, and also discuss the … Read more

guppy bent spine

Understanding Guppy Bent Spine: Causes and Solutions

It’s becoming increasingly frequent these days to hear about guppies suffering from congenital health problems, and one of the common complaints is of guppies with bent spines. Decades of ill-advised breeding have produced guppies that may be beautiful to look at but are often far less robust than their wild ancestors. The genetic problems are … Read more

False Julii Cory vs Julii Cory

False Julii Cory vs Julii Cory – How To Tell Them Apart

Corydoras catfish are a popular addition to many tropical freshwater fish tanks. There are over 160 varieties of Corys to choose from, many of which are easy to care for and beginner-friendly. The Julii Cory is a pretty little Cory that most pet stores stock. But beware! False Julii Corys are often sold as Julii … Read more

Tire Track Eels

Tire Track Eels: Behavior, Habitat, and Care Tips

If you’re looking for something a little bit different to add to your freshwater fish tank, you might want to consider the unusual, beautiful Tire Track eel. However, these fascinating, snake-like fish have a reputation for being somewhat challenging to keep, although in my experience that’s not necessarily true. Read this guide to learn everything … Read more

biocube 32 upgrades

Biocube 32 Upgrades – The Best Available for Your Tank

The BioCube 32 by Coralife is a great way to get your toes wet in the saltwater aquarium hobby. These all-in-one aquarium setups have everything you need to run a successful marine system. While the BioCube 32 comes equipped with efficient stock equipment, there are a few upgrades that can be made to make your … Read more

Neon and Ember Tetras

Neon and Ember Tetras: Co-Existence, Care, Feeding + More

Neon and ember tetra are some of the most popular small schooling fish for community aquariums, but can they live together? The answer is yes! Neon tetra and ember tetra make great tank mates for one another, and both of these fish are a great choice for beginners. Let’s take a deeper dive into comparing … Read more

java fern growing roots on leaves

Why Is Java Fern Growing Roots on Leaves? (+ Other FAQs)

Most hobbyists choose to grow aquatic plants in their tanks. Plants bring many benefits to a fish tank, helping to oxygenate the water, taking up harmful ammonia and nitrates for use as nutrients, and offering shade and shelter for the fish and other tank residents. Java ferns are wonderful plants that you see in many … Read more

mystery snail shell rot

Mystery Snail Shell Rot – Possible Causes, Best Treatments

If you’ve noticed your mystery snail’s shell becoming thinner, more pale, cracked, deformed, or damaged, it may be suffering from snail shell erosion or ‘shell rot’. This can be due to several factors, but acidic water is often one of the root causes. Here I’ll run you through some of the main causes of shell … Read more

shrimp that can break glass

Shrimp That Can Break Glass – The Beautiful Mantis Shrimp

Did you know that there’s a shrimp that can actually break glass? Well, there is a remarkable crustacean that can do exactly that! The beautifully colored Mantis shrimp is a tiny underwater vandal with a big reputation! So, what are Mantis shrimp? Are Mantis shrimp safe to keep? And can a Mantis shrimp harm a … Read more

Cold Water Algae Eater

Cold Water Algae Eater – So, What Are Your Options?

Algae is the hobbyist’s sworn enemy, spreading in a slimy carpet over your tank and coating your decorations, plants, and viewing panes in green, red, or brown gunk. You can use an algae magnet to remove the eyesore from your tank glass, but you’ll need some help to get rid of algae growing in hard-to-reach … Read more

can cichlids live alone

Can Cichlids Live Alone – Hints on Habits and Habitats

Cichlids are some of the most intelligent and interactive of all aquarium fish, so it’d be unusual to keep them alone. But since they’re such a vast family, there are nuances between the species that can inform us whether to keep a cichlid in a pair with its own kind, in a community tank, or … Read more