Betta Breathing Heavy

Is Your Betta Breathing Heavily? – Causes and Treatments

If you’ve noticed your betta breathing heavily, you have good reason to be concerned. Heavy or rapid breathing is a classic sign that something is not right either in your betta’s health or the aquarium environment. Here we’ll look at some of the main reasons that your betta might be breathing fast, and what you … Read more

fish opening and closing mouth

Fish Opening and Closing Mouths – What Could Be Causing It?

One of the main reasons for getting into the fish hobby is the relaxing feeling you get from simply watching your fish gliding through their beautifully aquascaped environment. Although all fish species behave slightly differently, one common behavior that you’ll observe in all fish is that they open and close their mouths while swimming around … Read more

red eared slider tank mates

11 Red-Eared Slider Tank Mates (Species, Origins + More)

Red-eared sliders are exotic and beautiful-looking turtles, but are also messy and love to eat fish! In an aquarium, tankmates of red-eared sliders need to be either very big or fast to escape the greedy belly of this omnivorous reptile. There are no perfect solutions, and even the toughest of fish may succumb to attacks. … Read more

Fish That Don't Need a Filter

Fish That Don’t Need a Filter: 11 Beautiful Choices

In my opinion, there are far too many myths circulating the internet that aquarium fish can live without a filter. Although very advanced aquarists have occasionally managed to create densely planted filterless tanks, these complex setups are unsuitable for the vast majority of fish keepers. For the rest of us, an aquarium filter is an essential … Read more

african dwarf frog and betta

Will Your African Dwarf Frog and Betta Fish Get Along?

Betta fish have a reputation as being aggressive, belligerent fish. However, most bettas appreciate some company to add interest to their habitat and provide the stimulation these intelligent fish need. African Dwarf frogs are undoubtedly cute little creatures that can make an interesting addition to a tropical fish tank. But are these tiny amphibians good … Read more

Betta Fish Behavior Before Death

Betta Fish Behavior Before Death: Signs and Symptoms

Betta fish are popular, colorful fish that many aquarists love. Unfortunately, these fish are not especially long-lived, and one day, your beloved pet will die. So, how can you tell if your betta fish is dying? Read this guide to learn about the betta fish behavior to watch out for, which can indicate your pet … Read more

betta fish yawning

Betta Fish Yawning: Why Does My Betta Fish Yawn?

As we know, betta’s sleep like any other fish, but have you ever noticed them yawning? If so, you might be wondering why bettas yawn in the first place. Well, it turns out that betta fish yawn for a number of different reasons. For one thing, bettas yawn when they don’t have enough oxygen in … Read more

do bettas like bubbles

Do Bettas Like Bubbles: Dive In and Find Out the Facts

Despite what you may have heard, bubbles in a betta fish tank are an optional, rather than mandatory, feature. While bubbles produced by an air pump can increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, there are other perfectly good ways to oxygenate your fish tank. But do bettas like bubbles? The answer is … Read more

Overfed Betta Fish

Overfed Betta Fish: Tell-Tale Signs and Safe Solutions

Do you suspect that your betta fish is overfed? I know it can be hard to resist those big, begging eyes every time you walk by the fish tank, but it’s important to ensure you don’t overfeed your pet. So, how do you know that your betta is overfed? How much food should you offer … Read more

Gourami and Angelfish

Gourami and Angelfish: Can They Live Together?

At first glance, housing angelfish and gouramis together may seem like the perfect solution for avid fish enthusiasts. After all, both angelfish and gouramis are popular freshwater species known for their vibrant colors and playful personalities. But does housing these fish together work, or is it a recipe for disaster? To answer this question, it’s … Read more

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami Care Guide: Tank Mates, Lifespan, and Health

If you’re ready for a bright, beautiful, shy fish in your aquarium but don’t want to deal with a betta’s bad attitude, the Dwarf gourami might be the perfect fish for you! These peaceful tropical fish are fairly easy to take care of, and we have all the information you need to keep your fish … Read more

Most Beautiful Fish

12 of the Most Beautiful Fish You Can Have in Your Aquarium

Our world is described as the “Blue Planet.” And when you consider that 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, that’s no surprise. Hundreds of thousands of fish live in our oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. Many of these fish are incredibly beautiful, and some can be kept in your … Read more

Best Betta Fish

The Best Betta Fish Species To Keep In Your Tank

After the traditional goldfish, bettas are just about the most popular choice of pet fish on the planet. Bettas are intelligent, interactive, colorful freshwater fish that come in a dazzling array of beautiful forms, making them much-loved by aquarium hobbyists.  So, what’s not to love about a betta fish? But there are so many different … Read more

Powder Blue Gourami

Powder Blue Gourami (Trichogaster Lalia Variation) Care Sheet

The powder blue gourami is a very popular variation of the dwarf gourami due to its vibrant color and small size. These fish are relatively hardy and perfect for beginner and experienced hobbyists alike as they don’t need much space in the aquarium and have easy care requirements. While they are an easy species, it … Read more

Betta Hammock

Best Betta Hammock – Our Top 5 Picks

Watch your betta for a while, and you will undoubtedly notice him sucking in gulps of air at the water surface. But don’t panic! Bettas are labyrinth breathers. That means they can breathe atmospheric air, and this evolutionary quirk enables wild bettas to survive in poorly oxygenated water during the dry season. Bettas are also surface … Read more