Diatom Bloom

Diatom Blooms: Removing These Algae From Your Aquarium

Have you recently noticed that your saltwater reef tank is not looking its best? No need to worry, this is a normal cycle and won’t last long. Saltwater tanks go through a several-month period known as an ugly phase. During this time, numerous species of algae rear their ugly head and take over the aquarium. … Read more

best filter for 20 gallon aquarium

The Best Filter for Your 20-Gallon Aquarium

Whatever size aquarium you have, you need an efficient filtration system installed. Without a filter, the water in your fish tank will quickly become full of toxins that could harm or even kill your fish. Read this guide to discover the best filter for a 20-gallon aquarium and more. 6 Best Filter Systems for 20-Gallon … Read more

Monte Carlo Aquarium Plant

Monte Carlo Aquarium Plant Care Guide

The Monte Carlo plant is an extremely popular carpeting plant that does well in moderately-lit, freshwater, tropical fish tanks. This plant is beginner-friendly and has a very fast growth rate, quickly spreading across the bottom of the tank to create a beautiful, brilliant green carpet. You can also grow the Monte Carlo plant as an … Read more

How To Raise pH In Aquarium

How To Raise pH In Your Aquarium

What’s so important about the pH levels in your freshwater aquarium? Why is a common water quality issue like low pH not suitable for some species of fish in your marine tank?  Well, if the pH levels in your fish tank are unstable or not suitable for the fish species you keep, your fish could … Read more

Best Nano Aquarium

Best Nano Aquarium: Our Top 6 Picks

If you long to keep fish but don’t have a lot of space for a big fish tank, don’t despair! Why not consider keeping a nano aquarium?  First off…what is a nano aquarium? Are these tanks harder to look after than full-sized ones? What creatures can even live in one? This guide tells you everything … Read more

Best Aquarium Bacteria Supplement

Top 6 Best Aquarium Bacteria Supplements in 2022

Suppose you’re just starting up a new aquarium system. In that case, all the various information about the water cycle and nitrogen cycle, plus the processes of different beneficial bacteria, can get to be a little confusing. In short, aquarium bacteria supplements will introduce the necessary microorganisms into your fish tank to make the ecosystem … Read more

Best Aquarium Test Strips

Best Aquarium Test Strips

Providing your fishy friend with clean, healthy water that’s safe for it to live in is crucial if it’s going to thrive. So, in addition to keeping the aquarium clean and maintaining your filter media properly, you’ll need to carry out regular checks to make sure the water parameters are correct and stable.  To do … Read more

best aquarium plant fertilizer

Best Aquarium Plant Fertilizer Options For A Thriving Freshwater Tank

While some plants are supposed to be easy to keep, you might find yourself struggling with melting yellow leaves or a general lack of growth. There are a few factors that go into successfully growing and maintaining freshwater plants, including lighting, substrates, water flow, and nutrients. Nutrients can be confusing to test and understand in … Read more

Corner Aquarium

Complete Guide To Corner Aquariums

If you want to keep tropical or marine fish but you don’t have much space to play with, a corner aquarium might be the perfect solution for you. But if you’re new to fishkeeping, how do you know what corner fish tank is the best to choose? What’s a safe location for your aquarium? How … Read more

Aquarium Grass

10 Best Aquarium Grass Species

Living plants are a great asset to any freshwater fish tank. Plants help clean the water by using chemicals that are harmful to your fish as fertilizer, and they oxygenate the water as part of the process of photosynthesis. A lush green carpet of living aquarium grass not only looks beautiful, but also provides shelter … Read more

aquarium water changer

Top 6 Aquarium Water Changers

Carrying out partial water changes each week is an essential part of your aquarium maintenance routine, and it’s vital for the health and well-being of your fishes and other tank residents. In this guide, we discuss the pros and cons of using aquarium water changers, and we also review six of the best devices on … Read more


How To Prevent Columnaris Disease In Your Aquarium Fish

If you notice fluffy, white patches appearing on one or more of your fish, you might at first assume that some kind of fungus causes the problem. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Your fish could be suffering from a condition called Columnaris. So, what is Columnaris? What causes the disease, and will your fish … Read more

aquatic plants with blue green algae

Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) Aquarium Treatment

If you notice a strange blue-green colored slime growing all over the surfaces in your fish tank, or perhaps detect an odd smell with no obvious source, you may have an outbreak of blue-green algae on your hands. So, what is this blue-green growth, what causes it, and how do you get rid of this … Read more

polluted aquarium

What Causes High Nitrites In The Aquarium?

While you might have heard that ammonia is deadly for aquarium fish, you might not have heard that nitrites can also be just as dangerous. It is important to understand what causes nitrites in the aquarium and how to quickly remove them if they do enter your saltwater or freshwater system as they can lead … Read more

aquarium gravel filter

Undergravel Aquarium Filter: Top 5 Most Effective Cleaners

Whether you have a 125-gallon reef tank or a 5-gallon betta tank, you need a filter system if you’re going to enjoy healthy, long-lived fishes. How so? Well, all living creatures produce waste products. Those waste products, together with decomposing plant matter, leftover food, etc., kick off the nitrogen cycle in your tank. If the … Read more