Neocaridina garnaal

Neocaridina garnaal | Dwerggarnaal verzorging & info

Het houden van dwerggarnalen is een tak van de aquariumhobby die al jaren toeneemt in populariteit. De kleurrijke garnaaltjes hebben geen groot aquarium nodig en je kunt de zaken zo gemakkelijk of moeilijk maken als je zelf wilt. Als je op zoek bent naar een makkelijke dwerggarnaal, bijvoorbeeld als het je eerste garnalenaquarium is, dan … Read more

Looking to set up a South American biotope aquarium? These 6 South American cichlids are perfect for beginners! #aquariums

South American cichlids | 6 colorful species for beginners!

Did you know that a very large percentage of the fish we keep in our aquariums hail from the often dark waters of South America? A SA biotope is one of the most beautiful aquarium types you can set up, with its tannin-stained waters, creeping roots and colorful fish. Some of the most colorful and … Read more

Wondering how to keep your angelfish happy and healthy? Head over to the angelfish caresheet for the basics. #aquariums

Angelfish Care & Info For Aquarium Lovers

You’ve probably seen some little adorable angelfish at your local fish store; they can be blue, orange, gold, or just about any other color variation, and could make a great addition to your freshwater aquarium. In order for them to thrive and get along with the other fish in your aquarium, there are a few … Read more

Betta Sorority

Betta Sorority: Can Female Bettas Coexist Peacefully?

Many aquarists advocate keeping multiple female Betta fish together in what’s called a sorority, as they are supposed to be less aggressive than their male counterparts. Is this actually true? Can female Bettas cohabit peacefully in aquariums as small as 10 gallons (38 L)? The answer to that question is not straightforward. Sometimes, a betta … Read more

Ghost shrimp care & info

Palaemonetes | Ghost shrimp care & info

When it comes to keeping shrimp, most freshwater aquarists lean towards more exciting and colorful dwarf shrimp, like the Amano shrimp or Cherry Shrimp. Ghost shrimp are just as fun to watch and are often sold at aquarium stores for very low prices. If you’re looking for a small invertebrate to add to your freshwater aquarium cleaning crew, … Read more

Low light aquarium plants

9 Most Useful Low Light Aquarium Plants

If you’ve been in the aquarium hobby for a while, you’ll know that all aquarium plants need a source of light to grow and thrive. Not all plants are equal in their lighting needs, though: some need more than others while some not so much. Looking to set up a low tech aquarium with beautiful … Read more

Wondering how to light an aquarium? This guide contains everything you need to know! #fishtank

Planted aquarium: Full lighting guide

Lighting is an important part of your aquarium. Not only does it make the entire tank look good, but it’s also highly important for your fish and plants. Proper lighting can bring out the best color of your aquarium inhabitants.  If you are new to this area it can seem quite complicated, but trust me: … Read more

Panda Cory Catfish

Corydoras Panda | Panda Cory Care & Info

One of the smaller Corydoras species, the panda Cory is the perfect choice for a peaceful community aquarium. Learn how to care for this cheerful Corydoras!

German Blue Ram

Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi | German Blue Ram Care & Info

In need of a pop of color for your aquarium? Few types of fish will brighten up your tank like the German blue ram. This dwarf cichlid species is appreciated by aquarists for its bright orange and electric blue colors, as well as its relatively peaceful temperament. Although the German blue ram is not the … Read more

Cory Catfish

Keeping Cory Catfish | 5 Adorable Cory Species & Care Tips

If you’re a freshwater aquarist, you’ve probably come across cory catfish before. The various members of the Corydoras genus are an incredibly popular aquarium fish and for good reason. They’ve got everything you want in a fish! Cory catfish are a peaceful community fish, easy for beginners and fascinating to watch. Some will even breed in the … Read more

Growing Dwarf Hairgrass

Growing Dwarf Hairgrass

The news is in: having a lush lawn isn’t just for your yard! Did you know that you can grow one in your fish tank, too? Aquarium grass is extremely popular with aquascaping professionals and aquarium trade hobbyists who use it to create a vibrant green carpet across the substrate. Of the carpet plant species … Read more

Bottom Feeder Fish

Top 5 Bottom Feeder Fish | Freshwater Bottom Dwellers

In the aquarium hobby, there are typically three zones in your tank that you want to consider when stocking to ensure you have an even spread of fish: there are surface feeders, mid-water fish, and bottom feeder fish. Bottom feeder fish live and feed on the lower section of the aquarium where they can bring … Read more

otocinclus catfish

Otocinclus catfish care & info

Otocinclus are little freshwater fish with a big appetite for algae. This aquascape-favorite seems ideal as an algae cleaner for small aquariums, but these dwarf catfish need some pretty specific care. If you’re willing to provide them with what they need to stay healthy and thriving, you’ll have a fascinating addition to your aquarium! Keep … Read more


Pantsermeervallen | Alles over het houden van Corydoras

Heb je een zoetwateraquarium en wil je graag Corydoras houden? Er zijn veel verschillende soorten Corydoras en bij elk aquarium past er wel een. Het is alleen wel erg belangrijk om te weten welke soort het beste in jouw aquarium past en hoe je het deze vis zo goed mogelijk naar de zin maakt in jouw aquarium. De … Read more

betta brownorum

Wild Betta fish | 9 fascinating alternatives to domestic Bettas!

If I say “Betta,” you say “splendens,” right? After all, Betta splendens (aka Siamese fighting fish) are the fish that most aquarists know and love. Their aggressive temperament can be a hassle, but their beautiful coloration and fun personalities more than make up for that. But did you know there’s more to these fish than just being … Read more