green spot algae

Green Spot Algae: How To Identify And Treat This Pest

Green spot algae (GSA) is a relatively lesser-known type of aquarium algae that most freshwater systems experience sometime throughout their lives. This algae is pretty easy to identify and treat, though involves less manual removal than other algae you might be more familiar with. Instead, the chemistry of the tank needs to be understood and … Read more

Silver Arowana

Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum) Care Sheet

Possibly one of the coolest freshwater fish to have in your aquarium, the silver arowana is a staple fish for large tank systems. These monster fish can easily surpass 3 feet (92 cm) in length, live up to 20 years, and have a giant mouth that can easily suck in smaller fish and invertebrates. Though … Read more

green betta fish

Green Betta Fish: One Of the Rarest Colors

Betta fish, also commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their beauty and aggression but some hobbyists take these traits to the extreme. One of the ways that betta fish have been changed through the years is by selective breeding. This requires breeding two fish with admiral traits and either getting an … Read more

Gold Ram

Gold Ram (Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi var. ‘Gold’) Care Sheet

German blue rams are some of the most popular species of South American cichlid currently available in the tropical fish hobby. But did you know that they come in a bunch of other colors too? One of these variations is known as the gold ram after its yellow tones and hints of typical German blue … Read more

Chromis Fish

Chromis Fish (Chromis sp.) Care Sheet

If you’re just starting to get into the saltwater side of the hobby, then you’ve most likely heard of or seen a chromis fish in your local pet store. These small and colorful fish are an attractive choice for many beginners as they are usually seen peacefully schooling around the tank and are relatively inexpensive. … Read more

Aquarium Water Hardness

Aquarium Water Hardness: Qualities, Effects, and Benefits

While slightly less critical than pH, water hardness is an important aspect of water chemistry to understand. In this guide, we’ll explain what water hardness is, how it affects your fish, and how you can alter it to your advantage. Key Takeaways What Is Water Hardness? According to, water hardness is ‘a measure of the … Read more

Bio Balls

Bio Balls: 3 Ways To Increase Biological Filtration

A couple of years ago, bio balls were considered to be the best type of filtration media you could get for your aquarium. They provide additional surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow and can even help your water become more aerated. The main problem many hobbyists found is that they were simply catching too … Read more

how to lower ammonia in a fish tank

How to Lower Ammonia in a Fish Tank: Pro Advice

One of the aquarium health issues that we address most frequently at Aquariadise is ammonia poisoning. Even at low levels, ammonia and nitrites are incredibly toxic to fish, and should be kept at zero at all times. Thankfully, with a bit of biological know-how, you can create a healthy nitrogen cycle within your tank to … Read more

aquarium gloves on top of aquarium tank

Aquarium Gloves: The Best Options For Fish Tank Safety

Aquarium gloves are a good idea if you’re working with dangerous livestock, have sensitive skin, or just want to keep unnecessary chemicals and oils out of your fish tank system. Gloves that are specifically designed for aquarium usage are usually pretty cheap and reusable, which can be more economic and environmentally friendly than single-use latex … Read more

water lily surrounded with leaves

Water Lily (Nymphaeaceae Family) Care Sheet

Every classic pond has its signature water lily. These decorative plants elegantly float on the surface of ponds and lakes, bursting into color once their flowers bloom every season. Water lilies are not difficult to take care of and will create areas of shade and protection for an assortment of aquatic wildlife in your pond … Read more

polluted aquarium

What Causes High Nitrites In The Aquarium?

While you might have heard that ammonia is deadly for aquarium fish, you might not have heard that nitrites can also be just as dangerous. It is important to understand what causes nitrites in the aquarium and how to quickly remove them if they do enter your saltwater or freshwater system as they can lead … Read more


Killifish: The Best Species For Your Aquarium

You might have heard about killifish at some time throughout your life, but you might not exactly know what they look like, where they come from, or that they are a favorite in the aquarium hobby! Though harder to find than most other species, killifish make a great species-only ecosystem for smaller tanks. Keep reading … Read more

algae eater fish eating plants in aquarium

Top 8 Must-Have Algae Eater Species For Your Tank

Algae is nearly inevitable. Every tank, at one point or another, has experienced algae. While there are other ways to solve algae problems, like more regular tank maintenance, changing source water, and increasing water flow, sometimes these methods don’t work and a more effective cleanup crew is needed. Before adding to your livestock, always make … Read more

electric blue hap cichlid (sciaenochromis fryeri) underneath the aquarium

Electric Blue Hap (Sciaenochromis Ahli) Care Sheet

The electric blue hap is one of the most popular species of cichlid due to the piercing blue coloration of the male fish. These fish aren’t any more difficult to keep than most other species of cichlid and make a great addition to a Lake Malawi-themed freshwater system. However, they don’t turn up too often … Read more

5 gallon freshwater fish tank

5-Gallon Fish Tank: Our Top Four Choices

While some hobbyists like to get as much room as possible for their fish to roam, others enjoy testing the limits of just how small of an operating ecosystem they can get. 5 gallon (18.9 L) fish tanks are usually known as the bare minimum for betta fish, but these tiny tanks can be bursting … Read more