cambarellus patzcuarensis

Caresheet: CPO crayfish | Cambarellus patzcuarensis

Need a pop of color in your nano tank? The bright orange Cambarellus patzcuarensis, also known as the CPO crayfish, might be the perfect choice. This dwarf crayfish is pretty tiny, but its bright color and feisty personality make it a fun addition to your aquarium.  Keep reading for everything you need to know about … Read more

Dwarf Crayfish

Caresheet: Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus Genus)

Dwarf crayfish are small cousins of big crayfish species like the blue Procambarus alleni. Unlike most other crayfish they are peaceful and suitable for some types of community tanks. They belong to the genus Cambarellus, which contains quite a few different species, all with similar requirements. The most commonly known and kept orange CPO (orange dwarf … Read more