can fish see in the dark

Can Fish See in the Dark? Your Questions Answered!

If you’ve ever wondered “can fish see in the dark?” you’ll be interested to learn the complex answer. While fish can’t see in the dark, they do have pressure-sensitive organs on either side of their body to help them navigate in deep water or at night. These are called lateral lines. Notably, fish don’t experience … Read more

Best Fish To Breed for Profit

7 of the Best Fish To Breed for Profit, and Other Sage Advice

If you want to breed fish for profit, the best place to start is in your own fish tank. Whether you are just getting into fishkeeping or you are well into the aquarium hobby, you can start breeding and selling your fish to make your existing tanks profitable. When you’re ready to expand, consider the … Read more

Do Shrimps Need a Filter

Do Shrimps Need a Filter? Read On To Discover the Answer!

Shrimps are known for being teeny-tiny tank cleaners, and as such, they’re often housed alongside other fish in community tanks as part of a cleaning crew, and in small species-only tanks. They’re adorable, yet sensitive creatures, requiring specific substrates, water conditions, and filters in order to live a long and happy life. That said, creating … Read more

Are Plecos Aggressive

Are Plecos Aggressive? Let’s Explore the Question Inside!

Plecos are typically docile and peaceful fish, although it’s worth noting that occasionally, like any other living creature, they might end up in a bit of a bad mood and get a tad aggressive. Sometimes they even go so far as to attack a tankmate. In this article, we will discuss the temperament of plecos, … Read more

Nerite Snail Eggs Removal

Nerite Snail Eggs Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide

Although it’s awesome that your nerite snails breed and produce beautiful eggs, it can sometimes get a little messy in your aquarium. These guys breed too fast and lay their eggs all over the place, making it difficult to clean up the mess. However, don’t worry! You can take a few simple steps to easily … Read more

Pregnant Amano Shrimp

Pregnant Amano Shrimp: A Comprehensive Guide

A pregnant Amano shrimp is a beautiful sight. But before you can enjoy the beauty of these pregnant shrimp, you need to know how to care for them. However, this might be a difficult task for beginner shrimp enthusiasts. Believe me. It is worth it in the end. You can have many colorful baby shrimp … Read more

Do Plecos Eat Snails

Do Plecos Eat Snails? Everything You Need To Know!

Do you want to add some snails to your aquarium, but are worried about whether your pleco fish will eat them? In short, they will! Although snails are not a typical part of a pleco’s diet, they become desperate for food and will eat them if they have to. However, you can take steps to … Read more

Do Ghost Shrimp Shed

Do Ghost Shrimp Shed? Read Our Article To Find Out!

Are you curious about ghost shrimp molting? Or perhaps you’ve been wondering when your ghost shrimp will be molting next? Well, you’re not alone! Ghost shrimp molting is a natural process and one that can be fascinating to watch. As they prepare for their next molt, you may notice that your ghost shrimp become increasingly … Read more

Reptiles for 10 Gallon Tank

Which Are the Ideal Reptiles for a 10-Gallon Tank?

If you are considering getting a pet, you may be thinking about getting a reptile. To keep a reptile, the proper tank environment is required. Fitting a reptile in your tank can be challenging, and a large tank can take up too much space. To save space, you may be considering a 10-gallon tank, but … Read more

Tang Fish

Tang Fish: The Fascinating Facts You Never Knew!

Tang fish have long been a favorite choice for the reef aquarium. Their vibrant colors and energetic nature make them alluring, yet fishkeepers also need to know about some potential challenges in keeping tangs! Their aggressive tendencies and susceptibility to disease make them a moderately difficult family of fish to keep in the home aquarium. … Read more

ludwigia repens

Ludwigia Repens: Caring for This Aquarium Plant

When I bought my first fish tank in my teens, I was daunted by keeping live plants, so I opted instead for plastic replicas. My favorite of these was a green and red broad-leafed imitation which was quite realistic and added a welcome splash of color to the aquarium. Little did I know, then, that … Read more

Guppy Molly Hybrid

Guppy Molly Hybrid: Facts That Will Suprise You

Guppies and mollies are like cousins from the same family, so you may wonder: Can I crossbreed them together? The answer is yes! You can. But you need to know a few things before you try. Hybridizing mollies and guppies aren’t without their problems, and there are some surprising things to learn about breeding mollies … Read more

Goldfish Poop

Goldfish Poop: What Do the Different Colors Mean?

Goldfish are popular among aquarium fish but are notoriously messy. They produce lots of fish waste! As unpleasant as it may seem, goldfish poop can indicate the status of their health. It can tell you whether your goldfish has an infection, digestive issue, or other health issues. Why is it important to keep an eye … Read more

Clownfish Pairing

Clownfish Pairing: Everything You Need To Know

Clownfish tend to mate in pairs, similar to how they would do in the wild. If you’ve seen any documentaries on clownfish before, then you’ve probably noticed that they always travel in twos near anemones. But how can you tell if your clownfish are actually paired up and not just two individual fish that happen … Read more

Can Fish Eat Chocolate

Can Fish Eat Chocolate? It’s an Important Question!

Everyone loves chocolate, right? Whether it’s as a decadent treat or simply to lift our mood, chocolate has become an integral part of many people’s lives. But what about our fishy friends? Can fish eat chocolate too, or is this something that we should keep just for ourselves? Well, fish cannot eat chocolate. Their digestive … Read more